Lightning Bolt @ Grand Ole Opry

like sperm flocking to an egg

Article by David Winton | 15 Jun 2006
Lightning Bolt

Fuelling is the word. Whatever underground hype you might've happened to catch about this Rhode Island duo, it was understated. Lightning Bolt brought their hive-mind to Glasgow's Grand Ole Opry, eschewing the stage for the floor, natch. Comprised of a 'ball-microphone'-gagged drummer and a dispossessed bass-guitarist, LB seem to infect whatever odd bit of turf they choose to play on. The Opry made LB's spectacle of aural madness even more curious with its redneck decor and pensioner barkeeps all inwardly kicking themselves for not asking for the night off. The insane rush of punters clawing to be at the front resembles sperm flocking to an egg, occassionally breaking the surface in a spray of sweat and glee. Best of show though goes to the hilarious suit, tie, and ear-muffed Rock Steady security guard, doing his damndest to keep the crowd at least six inches from impregnating the boys. Didn't he have glasses on at the beginning of the night? Shucks. [David Winton]

Hypermagic Mountain' is out now.