Dananananakroyd and Errors @ White Heat, 16 Aug

A strange, but brilliant, combination

Article by Jasper Hamill | 13 Sep 2006

Dananananaykroyd's name makes a little bit more sense if you scream it like Axl Rose's 'shananananananana KNEES KNEES,' line from Welcome to the Jungle. As subtle as a fat man climbing the stairs, the Akroyds play a particularly masculine sort of (ahem) emotional rock. Tackling their performance like an assault course, they have gusto, brick shithouse sized riffs and a bassist who seems altogether too demure for the band, nodding along quietly whilst they whack it up to eleven. A great live act and the perfect counterpoint to Errors, whose soft glitches and airy susurrations are altogether more pensive, rocking the late night art school crowd into something approaching mild euphoria. Oddly, the dialectic of sweaty man rock and intricately wrought organic-electronica makes sense at this time, giving the night an ambience that, for once, isn't only controlled by the one pound pints. A strange, but brilliant, combination. [Jasper Hamill]