Food News – December 2011

Our Food News Christmas special features scary German toys, brilliant puns, and whisky as means of escape.

Feature by Peter Simpson | 01 Dec 2011
Christmas Food News

To quote sideburned musician and nut peddler Noddy Holder, "IT'S CHRISTMAS!" In case you hadn't noticed yet, we thought it best to warn you, as this month's food news is something of a tinsel-covered, reindeer-baiting affair.

And what would a Scottish Christmas be without a German invasion? They've evidently all packed up from the home country to set up myriad Christmas Markets, the pick of which is in Princes Street Gardens. It's annexed by a funfair and ice rink, it has two outdoor bars, and there's loads and loads of tasty things to eat and paw at. Terrifying wooden Nutcracker toys too, but you can't eat those so we won't mention them.

Just up the road, the Ethical Christmas Fair makes up for the lack of a ferris wheel by promising fairly-produced goods, a focus on small producers, and a chance to be seen as a kind-hearted person who cares about others even in the midst of the Christmas rush. This image boost will be vitally important when you're seen shoulder-charging a granny out of the way to get the last copy of The Lion King in HMV for your little sister.

It may be the festive season, but some things never change. That a good pun will get your event featured in Food News is one such thing. Tasty Ness has exciting demonstrations, producers from all over the Highlands, live music, and some of the area's top restaurants bribing you to spend your Christmas moolah with them. Plus, it's called Tasty Ness! Tasty! Ness!

At the end of the month with Christmas out of the way and the thought of further family interaction fast becoming too much to bear, get down to the Scotch Whisky Experience for their Distillers' Fair. There will be masterclasses, loads of whiskies from across the country, a chance to ask whisky men silly questions, and some freedom from clingy younger relatives. If anyone asks, tell them that you're doing research for next year's presents. That, or tell them to beat it. Christmas is over for another year, and humbug is back on the menu.

German Christmas Market, Princes St Gardens, Free; Ethical Christmas Fair, Castle St Edinburgh, 10 - 19 Dec, Free; Tasty Ness, Ironworks, Inverness, 3 Dec, £3; Distillers' Fair, Scotch Whisky Experience, 354 Castlehill, Edinburgh, 29-30 Dec.