The Grudge 2

Film Review by Dave Kerr | 12 Dec 2006
The Grudge 2
Film title: The Grudge 2
Director: Takashi Shimizu
Starring: Sarah Michelle Gellar, Amber Tamblyn
Release date: Out Now
Certificate: 15

Just when you thought it was safe to pop your head back in the cupboard, that creepy lass who burps in your face just before she shocks you to death is back. With a staggered timeline that essentially weaves three chapters of a heinous plight together in a way that would have seemed pretty clever the first time around - this is technically the 6th 'Grudge' film under Takashi Shimzu's tutelage here's a film that would make for a half decent horror in its own right if we hadn't already seen Sarah Michelle Gellar being chased around the shower by a ghost hiding in her hair. Truly, the curse based subgenre of Asian horror that seemed so compelling just a few years ago has been played out, leaving a ridiculous post-modern franchise to satisfy a western audience who evidently just can't be arsed reading subtitles. Nice one Hollywood. Why not just be done with it and call the next one 'The Urge: To Bleed Dry Original Ideas'?