Sounds Like Teen Spirit

Film Review by Nine | 28 May 2009
Sounds Like Teen Spirit
Film title: Sounds Like Teen Spirit
Director: Jamie J Johnson
Release date: Out now
Certificate: 12A

Prior to seeing Sounds Like Teen Spirit, I was oblivious to the existence of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest. Two Eurovisions a year? That’s just spoiling us.

This documentary follows contestants from Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Georgia as they prepare to compete in the event. Laughs are frequent, as are melodramatics - the kids are often unintentionally hilarious, and it feels not unlike the European offspring of Drop Dead Gorgeous and Little Miss Sunshine. However, some scenes are surprisingly moving: deeper themes lie just beneath the surface, such as homophobic bullying, parental divorce, and social awkwardness. When Mariam’s mother anxiously crosses herself as she and her community huddle round a tiny, grainy black and white TV to watch her daughter represent Georgia, viewers are reminded that the event, especially in poorer, newer countries, holds a greater significance than merely showcasing disposable pop and cheesy dance moves. Director Jamie J Johnson perfectly captures the personalities, their motivations and their occasionally humble aspirations: as the man from Macedonia dares to hope, “With the help of God we will be … second or third.”