Snakes on a Plane

For this film to become a classic it just needed more snakes. Maybe that will be remedied by the sequel, 'Penguins on a P&O Ferry'

Film Review by Xavier Toby | 13 Sep 2006
Snakes on a Plane
Film title: Snakes on a Plane
Director: David R.Ellis
Starring: Samuel L. Jackson

This is the best movie out at the cinema just now, comparable in its lovable awfulness to classics of the genre like 'Escape From LA' or 'Big Trouble In Little China'. Director David R. Ellis has produced something that sits in that awkward place between being terrible on purpose and serving as quite a decent action/thriller. The story zings along at a good pace, with a multitude of disasters and twists making it surprisingly palatable and while there are several hilariously stupid moments (look out for the 'snake expert'), the plot would crumble under analysis from a four year-old, which isn't the main problem. Midway though the film, after the onset of snakes, everything settles down for too long, followed by a slightly underwhelming ending and what may possibly the worst film-associated music video ever. While the snakes, to their credit, try to bite as many Americans in inappropriate places as possible, for this film to become a classic it just needed more of them. Maybe that will be remedied by the sequel, 'Penguins on a P&O Ferry'. [Xavier Toby]