Paranormal Activity

Film Review by Juliet Buchan | 23 Nov 2009
Paranormal Activity
Film title: Paranormal Activity
Director: Oren Peli
Starring: Katie Featherstone, Micah Stoat
Release date: 25 Nov 2009
Certificate: 15

Continuing the budgeting tradition of Blair Witch, Paranormal Activity is the similarly marketed, much-hyped story of young couple Kate Featherstone and Micah Stoat (using their real names), who decide to videotape their nocturnal lives in order to investigate a haunting presence that has stalked Kate since childhood. Seeing the couple in a naturalistic relationship, trying to deal with their unearthly baggage secures some emotional investment despite their somewhat stereotypical stances; she wide-eyed and terrified and he feigning confidence while refusing to ask for help. As the demon becomes stronger their fear and helplessness mounds into a crescendo of suspense. The realistic shooting style encourages you to imagine things out of the corner of your eye until the whole experience starts to quickly feel like a personal hypnogogic episode. Yes it ticks a few clichéd boxes, but when the scares come, if you are the type to run quickly up the stairs after you switch the light off, this one will really thrill.