Monster House

Brings more than the house down.

Film Review by Megan Garriock | 14 Aug 2006
Monster House
Film title: Monster House
Director: Gil Kenan
Starring: John Heder, Steve Buscemi, Kathleen Turner
Release date: August 11th
Certificate: PG

Inspired by the legacy of 'The Goonies' and 'The Burbs', 'Monster House' is the story of three young friends and their quest to defeat the tricycle-eating, kite-swallowing monster across the street. When DJ, Jenny and Chowder combine forces to defeat the beast, they bring more than the house down. With the voice talents of Steve Buscemi, Kathleen Turner, and Jason Lee at his fingertips, a brilliant John Heder ('Napoleon Dynamite') character, and an obvious mastering of the tricky motion capture animation style, Gil Kenan has created what will no doubt become a timeless kids' film. Knock on this door. [Megan Garriock]