
Film Review by Danny Scott | 07 Jun 2011
Film title: Kaboom
Director: Gregg Araki
Starring: Thomas Dekker, Haley Bennett, Juno Temple, Chris Zylka
Release date: 10 June
Certificate: 15

Kaboom opens with a naked Smith (Thomas Dekker) floating down a brightly lit corridor, looking a bit confused. So he should be. He is the centre of the college-based wet-dreams of writer/director Gregg Araki (Mysterious Skin), who seems to have fallen asleep reading Brett Easton Ellis.

Part sexual awakening comedy, part sci-fi, Kaboom hits its dissonant beats at a remarkable pace. In between sexual encounters our young gun desperately tries to decode his waking nightmares with the help of his feisty fuck-buddy London (Juno Temple) and oh-so-cool confidant Stella (Haley Bennett).

Rejoicing in a feast of different sexual appetites, Araki's film gained LGBT kudos by winning the inaugural Queer Palm at Cannes; and it sits at the sharp end of hip with a smart script, customary ‘real band scene' and copious screen time devoted to beautiful people doing the nasty to a great soundtrack. However its permanent entry into the cult cannon may be scuppered by its cheap cinematography, and a general lack of charm.

At Glasgow Film Theatre 24-30 Jun