Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

Film Review by Juliet Buchan | 22 Feb 2010
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Film title: Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Director: Howard Hawks
Starring: Marilyn Monroe, Jane Russell
Release date: 26 Feb 2010
Certificate: U

This month sees the cinematic re-release of the 1953 hit Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, telling the story of Lorelei (Marilyn Monroe) and Dorothy (Jane Russell), a pair of Disney-beautiful lounge singers journeying to France. Monroe is at her most iconic as the ditzy and materialistic blonde, while Russell shines as her rational and feisty best friend. Ironically, Lorelei’s shallow exterior betrays a deep-seated longing for security brilliantly exemplified when explaining her need for Dorothy to just ‘find happiness and stop having fun'. Simultaneously, Dorothy’s canny level-headedness harbours a desire for true love which cements the two opposites symbiotically as they encounter fluffy romantic mischief along the way. With dazzling visuals and spine-tingling musical classics, like Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend, the feel-good factor is heightened by the unwavering sisterhood of the two leads. Their wry renderings on how life works make this a charismatic and amusing Hollywood treat that stands the test of time.