Cry Wolf

If this film was an animal it would be a Springer spaniel.

Film Review by Fraser Cardow | 15 Feb 2006
Cry Wolf
Film title: Cry Wolf
Director: Jeff Wadlow

Sometimes, a film comes along that awakens your senses and sparks your imagination. Then there's films like this one, featuring high school girls in tight tops and swimwear. But, there's plenty of funny wee moments and the strong but unknown cast are all likeable. The new kid befriends the cool kids and soon they're up to their necks in serial killer action, brought on by some irresponsible game playing. By focusing entirely on the carefree prankster lifestyles being led by these rich kids the film moves along pretty fast and a sprinkling of intellectual allusions brings a classier edge to the proceedings. Sexual chemistry oozes here and there but somehow never bubbles over. If this film was an animal it would be a Springer spaniel. If it was a different film it would be 'Scream' without laughs, but I'm glad its not, because I liked 'Scream'. [Fraser Cardow]

This film is out now.