Metallica - Live Shit: Binge and Purge

A reminder of everything Metallica did right

Feature by Caroline Hurley | 13 Sep 2006
Metallica - Live Shit: Binge and Purge

Cha-ching! The sound of another Metallica release hitting the shelves, this time re-released in an easy to swallow hour-long format is the classic thrash-athon 'Live Shit: Binge and Purge'. If you were the sort of fan who had Binge and Purge as a staple part of your daily viewing for years, then this might seem insulting, but for any newcomers to 'Tallica, this should entice them to watch more from the good ole days. Recorded in Seattle, San Diego and Mexico City, the original was a mammoth watch, with solos to get lost in and lighting to get laughs out of. As a 'highlights' package, this offers a range of their finest moments from 'Seek and Destroy' to that thorn in the side of guitar shop workers, 'Fade To Black'. Bass-solos aside, this is a reminder of everything Metallica did right and why we used to love them. [Caroline Hurley]

Available from Aug 28