The T Diaries: Unicorn Kid

Blog by Oliver Sabin | 16 Jul 2009
Unicorn Kid

I should probably start off by saying that pre T in the Park 09 I had never been to a festival before, let alone played at one, so I wasn't quite sure what to expect.

My set was on the BBC Introducing stage on Saturday afternoon, but I arrived full of zest and excitement on Friday morning, wanting to camp and truly experience the joys of 'festivalling'.

Sadly, I fell ill and spent the majority of Friday in my tent complaining and generally just wanting to go home. I did however venture out to see my more experienced 8-bit counterparts Crystal Castles play a late show on the Red Bull Futures stage, they were fantastic and provided a wee bit of inspiration for my set the next day.

I spent the whole of Saturday morning backstage at the BBC Introducing stage waiting to meet various journalists and through doing so I reluctantly missed Lady Gaga's set, something I had unashamedly been looking forward to for ages.

I did however meet Huw Stephens and Vic Galloway backstage, both of which have played me countless times on their shows over the past year and just been generally lovely and supportive. Vic filmed an interview with me for the T in the Park highlights show and Huw recorded an interview with me for his show.

I walked onstage that afternoon to an audience that were totally up for it. I opened my set with an instrumental version of my Pet Shop Boys remix, to which the largely under 18 crowd responded by frantically fist pumping and jumping around. My synth gave up as two keys broke off mid set, forcing me to play everything an octave higher but the crowd didn't seem to care or even notice. I finished sweaty, happy and satisfied, meeting a few fans afterwards and even exchanging lion hats with one guy.

Playing T in the Park was quite a big deal for me, having lived in Scotland my entire life it has been talked up to the point of almost legendary status, just going to T is a big deal for most 17 year olds, so to actually be playing this year was a bit like living the dream.