Connect 2008 Episode III: A musical threesome of Kasabian, Mercury Rev and Sparks

Blog by Nick Mitchell | 30 Aug 2008

When it came to Friday's headliners, The Skinny acted like a typical man and failed to commit to anyone, instead attempting to sample a bit of a threesome - and almost succeeding.

First up is Kasabian on the Oyster Stage (the big one). The music and the synchronised lightshow is impressive, but nothing matches singer Tom Meighan's rockstar chat. He's grown his hair long and lank, but his Cockney-wideboy-meets-Liam-Gallagher posturing remains the same. "Scotland, Scotland, Scotland," he says in that indefinable accent. "Put your hands up in the sky and keep 'em there." Another priceless soundbite: "By the way Scotland, just to let you know that you're pissing all over Creamfields." Now there's an image.

Meanwhile, one of America's most revered alt.rock bands are halfway through their own set on the other stage, so it's off to see the remainder of Mercury Rev. It's hard to make out Jonathan Donahue and band through the swirling clouds of dry ice, but the music is clear, direct, and very loud. One of the best moments comes with a cover of Talking Heads' Once In A Lifetime, with layers of intense guitar and crescendo. But they save their keynote song to an encore all of its own: Goddess On A Highway, of course.

But that's only two out of three. Well, we make it over to the Unknown Pleasures tent just in time to see Sparks end their set with This Town Ain't Big Enough For the Both if Us. Does one song count as seeing a band? Hmmm.