Why so Serious? Joker profile: Tom Stade

Canadian stand up, Tom Stade, is a laid back comic, but his jokes are in fighting form.

Article by Carmody Wilson | 12 Sep 2008
Tom Stade

Tom Stade is a comedian who engages with his audience, so any punters sitting in the front row of his new show, I Swear... should be careful: you may end up discussing your marriage, sexual orientation or whatever else Stade decides is fair game. That’s not to say the experience will be uncomfortable - Stade is more likely to embarrass you with his counter-confession - but just beware when that gravelly voice bears down at you, to be ready with an answer. A slight but powerful presence on stage, Stade is a funnyman who doesn’t shy away from extremely personal bêtes noirs. A transplanted Canadian (no, he’s not nice) now living in Edinburgh, Tom Stade is an experienced commuter on the UK comedy circuit. His comedy may be a hair more aggressive than the more waspish stand-ups out there but it’s worth it: Stade’s rambunctious energy and beer-buddy delivery pay off more often than it bombs. His Edinburgh Festival show Fuck, Do We Need A Title Too? reflects his reluctance to enter into comedy’s bureaucratic monotony, and this regular guy is not out to play ball with the rest of corporate comedia. Fans of one-liners and earthy, off-colour confessions won’t be disappointed. But sit in the back row.

Tom Stade - I Swear..., Blackfriar's Basement, 28 September, 20:30, £7/£5