Comedian of the Month: Sarah Cassidy

Floridian joker <strong>Sarah Cassidy</strong> tells us what she loves about Scotland

Feature by Lizzie Cass-Maran | 04 Jan 2011
Sarah Cassidy

Age: 25

Based in: Glasgow (originally from Florida)

First gig: December 2009, in Dumfries

Number of gigs: About 60

Worst gig? I've definitely had a few embarassing gigs. You have to make a lot of beginner's mistakes. It's the process of finding your own sense of humour and learning to be positive about everything that could happen on stage.

How did you get into comedy? When I first got to Scotland I was living in Dumfries and had a friend who loved stand up – he was doing a lot of writing but was too afraid to perform. He encouraged me to put together a set because he was too afraid – so it was half dare, half helping a friend.

How would you describe your comedy? My father is from Fife, but moved to America in the 1960s, so a lot of my first material was about him, because I wanted to prove my Scottishness in a way – I was really afraid that I wouldn't be accepted. But I've realised that if you're funny it doesn't matter where you're from. From now on, I want to speak about America; my native country is a circus and a vast source of material.

Who are your heroes on the Scottish comedy scene?  There is such a supportive community here – especially people like Paul Sneddon, Keir McAllister and Keara Murphy. There are a lot of places where that community network between comedians doesn't really exist and it can be difficult getting started – the crowd doesn't really appreciate it, or doesn't have any enthusiasm for open spots like people do in Scotland. All of the open spots here I find are really positive and very mutually supportive and encouraging. I'm really thankful that if I'm doing it, I'm doing it here.

See Sarah at gigs around Scotland this month, including 4 Jan at Red Raw, Glasgow. You can also see her, along with a whole bunch of rising stars, in Sketch Comedy by The Collective at the Magners Glasgow International Comedy Festival – 23 and 30 March at The Halt Bar