Stacy @ Zoo Roxy

Shifting the rules of love

Article by Clare Sinclair | 15 Aug 2011
Stacy @ Zoo Roxy

The rules are constantly changing. The rules of dating, of friendship. The lines constantly blur. How is one to know what is classed as right and what breaks past the unwritten rules as unacceptable?

PlayON’s Stacy sees Rob, a young man of the FHM generation, face this daily challenge. He slept with his best friend Stacy, lives with his brother, has flirtations with his work colleague and learns that there are always ramifications to his actions.

As a one-man show, it takes something captivating to hold attention for over an hour. Nic McQuillan as Rob is affable, charming even – he plays the naivety of the character well. Rob’s frank take on the women around him is unsettling, his inexperience shining through, belying the crude expressions and surprising objectification. The projected images of the people, thoughts and ideas Rob has helps us to visualise his world, to see things through his eyes. It’s this perceived closeness to him, his likeability even, which make Rob’s actions so questionable.

Ultimately, this piece is about boundaries. How is a young man like Rob to know what the rules are? He can only read the signs he sees, take advice from the mediums he has access to and tread carefully along the way. PlayON don’t answer these questions for us, instead they leave the audience ambivalent, free to decide for ourselves.

Zoo Roxy

until 28 Aug 2011, 3pm