
A journey to Russia to find love shows compassion in the condemned.

Review by Ed Comer | 10 Sep 2009

If the thought of two young female performers portraying middle-aged men fills you with an ‘only at the Fringe’ horror, think again. In Catch, Pin the Tale have created a sympathetic and genuinely funny take on what it means to be an older, slightly foolish man. A mix of physical theatre and character acting with a knowingly kitsch sound track, Catch follows hang-dog Spralsey and uptight Alan as they journey to Russia to find suitably nubile wives. On the way they meet the excellently observed obsessive grown-up daughter, a casually vicious Welsh secretary, and a flawless personification of the horrors of an on-line dating site. Clever use is made of white fabric and travelling cases to give a sense of space, and the actresses dance through the show with an assured twinkle. Catch is joyous, well-executed but above all, kind. The thought and research behind the performance allows us to see beyond the stereotype of the mail-order brides to the loneliness that creates a need for them.