Appointment With The Wicker Man

Review by Kate Russell | 15 Aug 2012
Appointment With The Wicker Man

Still Game fans may have noticed Greg Hemphill, or Victor McDade, on posters around town. Well, if you like that, you’ll love this – that same decidedly Scottish, plain-speaking humour makes Wicker Man one of this year’s unmissable shows.

We join the Loch Parry Players, an am-dram group from the Summer Isles, as they try to interpret The Wicker Man movie for the stage. The reality and the play become more and more entwined, with moments of eerie suspense punctuating the comedy. The actors slide seamlessly between their Loch Parry character and their Wickerman character, and as the two tales progress and the similarities become more apparent, the audience feels more and more involved.

There are some excellent songs from the movie, all given a Loch Parry Players/Glee twist, and it’s honestly worth going along just for some of the dance moves. Perfect one-liners come thick and fast, and the references to the original film make for some great moments, but the characters are what really make this; every actor involved nails it 100%.

From the mock up programme we’re handed on entering to the final, immortal line, this is an absolute smash. If you’ve seen The Wicker Man, go. If you haven’t, find someone who has and go with them.


Appointment With The Wicker Man, Assembly Rooms, until 26 Aug, 15:10, £16/£12