Sam Simmons: Comedy Spotlight

Hallo !! it is great pleasure and privlige to interview Sam Simmons :; an exelent surreal comedy man from australia ,and this year his edimbrugh show is called "spaghetti for breakfast" . already this is briliant idea !

Feature by Fringe Dog | 17 Aug 2015
Sam Simmons

i am always tellin my owners the well known fact that breakfast is most important meal, but this is bit of a departure for you !! normaly you do high energy sillyness with lots of props and things ,what has made you decide to do show about nutritional importance of breakfast ??

“I want a sponsorship deal with Kellogg’s as I like the fraudulent nature of the cereal industry. It has to be the greatest conspiracy of all time – who on earth decided cornflakes were the best way to start the day? Or bacon for that matter: ‘Good morning, salted pig anyone?’”

it is little known fact that you used to work in a zoo !! when i go to edimbrugh zoo ,i look at the noble wolfs and feel kinship with my distant ancestors . Which animal do you feel kinship with and why ??

“I love the Slow Loris. If you don’t know what it is, look it up. It’s a low-order primate that has a toxic gland in its elbow that it licks to then stimulate it with saliva to paralyze insects. Also, it’s incredibly cute.”

what is most dangerous animal you have ever cuddled ??

“I worked with elephants at Melbourne zoo, so it was Mek Kepah, a 32-year Thai elephant with beautiful eyes."

i strive to be an incisive journalist and interviewer ( some people have nicknamed me "werner herz-dog" ), i try to get beneath surface of all my subjects and uncover big truths hiden within . do you have a dog?

“I had a beautiful boy called Murray. He was a staffy beagle, and I lost custody of him during a break-up with an irate Italian.”

if you were a crisp flavour ,what crisp flavour would you be ??

“Sperm and regret.”

you are on at underbelly ,which is one of my favourite edimbrugh venues ,because it smells weird and there are lots of puddles . if your new show was a smell ,what smell would it be and why ??

“My show would smell like slightly burnt lamb chops and freshly mowed grass wafting in the breeze (very Australian).”

this year i am puttin on my own show ,a promenade theatre piece called "sniffin a drain" ,which will take me all over beautiful streets of edimbrugh . what is your favourite edimbrugh walkies ??

“From the taxi to the train, to get the fuck out of the 'Burgh after a month of gluttony.”

i take great pride in my work ,but my real love is watchin 5star briliant comedy shows !! what 5star briliant comedians would you recomend for me to watch when i am not workin ??

“I love Mark Forward from Canada. Check him out at the Gilded Balloon, he is brilliantly stupid.”

now that we are great friends as well as coleagues , when we meet ,do i have permission to lick bits of food out of your moustache ??

“No thanks.”

Sam Simmons: Spaghetti for Breakfast, Underbelly Potterow, until 30 Aug (various dates), 9pm, £12.50-14
