Spencer Jones @ Heroes, The Hive

The hilarious Herbert retains his title as the loveliest clown in all of Edinburgh

Review by Polly Glynn | 15 Aug 2016
Spencer Jones

Spencer Jones is increasingly gaining a wider reputation through different media, but on stage as The Herbert is where he’s best. Eggy Bagel is an hour of joyful, inoffensive silliness which could tickle the coldest of hearts.

There’s no real conceit to the show, although the theme of parenthood can be picked up; a picture of his father beaming in the corner of the stage, the headless doll of a son which is used frequently throughout.

The laughs are huge and primarily come from visual gags enhanced by The Herbert’s physicality. It’s not all gurning and handmade props, though; Jones uses technology inventively too. The Nina Conti-like human puppet song is a delight, as is his loop pedal, used to create songs and soundscapes to accompany the jokes. There’s also a hand-made neon light which spells out both Jones’ and the show’s motto: ‘Just be nice’.

Playful, charming and clever, it’s a real treat. Much like an eggy bread bagel.

Spencer Jones Presents The Herbert in Eggy Bagel, Heroes @ The Hive: Cave, 4-28 Aug (not 15), 8.50pm, £5/PWYW