Rosie's Pop Diary

Live Review by Simon Fielding | 20 Aug 2011
Rosie Wilby

Despite leafing through my Fringe guide and locating Rosie's Pop Diary in the comedy section, this show would be, by the performer's own admission, more accurately placed in the theatre listings.

Rosie Wilby has considerable talents, not least her ability to mesmerise the room with a heart-stopping acoustic ballad. This evening's performance casts light on Wilby's journey through the choppy terrain of 90s music, as bereavement and failed romance cast dark shadows upon a tale of early-20s optimism. As such, it is a fairly successful blend of storytelling and song-writing.

 The last thing I want to do in this review is castigate an intelligent, sensitive artist's shot at creating an interesting show. Nor do I wish to pigeon-hole Wilby, who clearly demonstrates wide-ranging abilities. Is Rosie's Pop Diary an hour of comedy? Not really. It isn't a bad show at all, but I'm afraid someone's placed it in the wrong category. Wilby has a lot to offer, and if she chooses to define herself more clearly as a comic, I have no doubt she'll be an interesting proposition.