Phill Jupitus: Stand Down

Article by Bernard O'Leary | 23 Aug 2011
Phill Jupitus: Stand Down

It's a Fringe tradition, seeing a big TV name attempt to 'return to their standup roots' only to die on their hole night after night, leaving their audience feeling thoroughly ripped off. Phill Jupitus ain't going down like that. He's sharp, he's prepared, and he's completely changed his persona. No cuddly Uncle Phill off Buzzcocks tonight. Scowling, angry, wearing guyliner and nail polish: behold Jupitus, the angry, middle-aged emo.

His observational humour is surprisingly sharp for a comic who's been off the road for a while, his anger at the modern world being more cutting than curmudgeonly. There's an evisceration of people in their 30s, a classy impression of Eddie Izzard, and a hearty piss-take of the Scottish (he's just learned the word 'bawbag' and this delights him). The highlight is a story in two parts, bookending the show, about his reaction to his teenage daughter bringing a boy home. It's brutal, honest and devastatingly funny, leaving you sorry for the daughter and her broken-hearted father.

All in all it's a great set from Jupitus, aided by his decision to play a proper comedy club instead of a huge theatre. Big-name comedians take note: this is how you return to your roots.

Phill Jupitus: Stand Down, The Stand, until Aug 29th, 20:25.

This event is sold out at time of writing, please contact The Stand box office for further information.