Lauren Pattison @ Pleasance Courtyard

Lauren Pattison continues her ascent with her sophomore hour in Peachy

Review by Yasmin Hackett | 09 Aug 2018
Lauren Patterson

Lauren Pattison’s 2018 Fringe show serves as a neat sequel to that of her debut: where before she was still finding her feet in the midst of a bad break-up, Peachy is a demonstration of Pattison’s coming out on the other side of this. With a renewed confidence, she embarks upon an hour of lively storytelling and illustrating the reasons why she is so much happier this year.
One of those reasons is that she’s fallen in love. This kick-starts a series of anecdotes about the woes and joys of dating, and of falling in love with a 'posh boy'. Not only does this allow for stories of family and mental health struggles, with plenty of gags mixed between, Pattison shows great ability in dealing with weightier issues of class prejudice while managing to keep the audience laughing along all the while. Peachy comes across as a very relaxed hour for Pattison: she is genuine, and she will tell it like it is, with plenty of the charm that made her first show such a success.

Lauren Pattison: Peachy, Pleasance Courtyard (The Attic), 1-26 Aug (not 13), 7pm, £6.50-12

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