Kristine Levine: Fat Whore

Review by Bernard O'Leary | 08 Aug 2012
Kristine Levine

Doug Stanhope has been bigging up Levine for a while now and it's easy to see why. There's a mixture of filth, intelligence, funniness and a massive helping of fuck you to "normal" society. Levine is still developing herself as a comedian and this is on display tonight. There's a bit of nervousness to her performance, and that weird American comedy club style where every joke goes on just a beat too long. British audiences prefer a bit of deadpan, and a liberal audience like you get at the Fringe is never going to be comfortable with her opinion on date rape.

But although her show is bit raw, there's something ferocious and fascinating about Levine. She's lived a life and been rejected by the Prius-driving bourgeoisie of her native Portland, first for daring to be a woman and fat, then for having the audacity to enjoy sex and finally for working in a porn shop for 13 years. It's given her a razor sharp perception that cuts through society's bullshit; combined with her knack for turning a clever line, it makes her an ideal comic. She's got a way to go yet, but she could become a powerful voice for all the fat, horny, ignored, angry people of the world.

Kristine Levine: Fat Whore, Assembly Rooms, until August 26 (not 13), 22:15, £10/£9