Kieran Hodgson @ Pleasance Courtyard

Let's join Europe

Review by Polly Glynn | 10 Aug 2018
Kieran Hodgson

Your mum voted to leave the European Union and now you can’t physically speak to her face. That’s Kieran Hodgson’s shtick for the ambitious ‘75: an explanation of the UK’s initial joining of the EU, told in a speedy 60 minutes.

After his mother’s revelation, Europe becomes an obsession for Hodgson. It’s one that’s contagious as you’re swept up in his frantic research encouraged by a German librarian (also Hodgson). Flitting between characters and the bookshelf onstage, the audience is transported back to the swinging sixties and onwards, meeting people crucial to 'Brentry'.

It’s the mother of history lessons, both good to know and also holds your interest in increasingly inventive ways. Framing people from history as wands in Ollivander’s shop ("reedy, with a Brummie core") and a crucial rift in the Labour Party reimagined as the West Side Story gang fight are inspired. For the politics novice, there are a few points hastily brushed over and impressions without names, making parts a little difficult to follow. At times the information and its frenetic delivery can be overwhelming.

However, '75 is a bold, high-concept Brexit bust and has pathos to boot.

Kieran Hodgson: '75 Pleasance Courtyard (Beneath), 1-26 Aug, 8:15pm, £6-12

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