Ivo Graham @ Pleasance Courtyard

Ivo Graham fails to bring anything new or interesting to the table in Motion Sickness

Review by Nadia Younes | 07 Aug 2018
Ivo Graham

Motion Sickness is an hour of cliched and predictable jokes. There’s a serious lack of structure too, but that’s not the show’s main failing. There's nothing of any real substance here and it never really reaches any kind of conclusion. Any of the funnier or more cleverly constructed jokes are thinly scattered throughout. 

Graham throws in some simple observations about class, referencing his upper class background and his time studying at the infamous private boarding school, Eton. But most of the show focuses on his recent engagement to his girlfriend and some rather dull discussion around his reluctance to grow up and his fear of commitment. There really isn't anything new or interesting in Graham’s show or in the subject matter being covered. In the handful of anecdotes that do pay off, Graham shows some sort of comedic prowess; if only he could leave the tired and lazy, laddish jokes about sex and dick pics behind.

Ivo Graham: Motion Sickness, Pleasance Courtyard (Cabaret Bar), 1-26 Aug (not 13), 6:40pm, £7-12

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