Dylan Moran

Article by Erin McElhinney | 18 Aug 2009
Dylan Moran

He is, of course, wearing black. He is, needless to say, drinking. He is... both better and worse than he used to be. I'll explain. During the first half of the show, Moran is rambly, odd and rude. So far, so normal, but something's not quite right, and a niggly feeling of disappointment begins to grow. His persona has always been a variation on 'grumpy old man', but for some reason tonight it's coming across more Victor Meldrew than Bernard Black. His mind jumps are confusing rather than charming, but contain hidden gems.  However, it's not until post interval that Moran really hits his stride.  Given that there are 4 stars attached to this review - and it's hardly been glowing so far - you'll know I mean it when I say the majority of the material in the second half approaches near comedy genius. The scattiness is still there, but overall Moran's timing, delivery and content come together in a way that showed exactly why he can sell out a 3000 capacity venue overnight; observational comedy and random cogitations at their very best.