Come Flyer With Me: Rom Com Con with Juliette Burton and Lizzy Mace

Blog by Juliette Burton (with Lizzy Mace) | 17 Aug 2011
Come Flyer With Me: Rom Com Con

There’s a subtle difference between Mace and Burton. Yes, we share the same stage for our show, the same Twitter address, the donations at the end of every performance and we even share the same bed (whilst in Edinburgh). But there is a difference. Lizzy Mace likes flyering whilst Juliette Burton loves it. Not only does it help her bypass any pre-show nerves, but to her, it’s a performance in itself.

The other day she got a round of applause from a table of people she flyered. Yesterday we met a man with a lanyard around his neck which held a sign saying “Don’t bother flyering me! I’m not here for the Fringe!” and yet after talking with him about the show he actually asked for a flyer! Burton even woke both herself and Mace up a few nights ago by talking in her sleep whilst dreaming of flyering (“It was going really well too!”)

Burton says: “You have to assess how much the person you are approaching is willing to engage. If they’re in a hurry, you have to make it easy, painless and quick. “If they seem interested but a bit busy, give them a little information. It might be enough to intrigue them. For us we would tell them the premise of our show: we were fed up being single and all our friends getting married. So we decided to try to find love by road-testing all the ways guys and girls meet in romantic comedies.

“If they really want to chat then never miss an opportunity to tell them how much you believe in your show. Tell them if other people (audiences, reviewers, your mum) like it. We’re so lucky to now have 4-star reviews, people from TV and radio comedy departments loving the show and most of all we’re blessed with great audiences every day! So we can always honestly enthuse to people about Rom Com Con.

“Always, always smile. If they don’t want a flyer, it’s not a personal rejection! They have their reasons; they’re going to work, having a bad day or they had a horrible experience of being attacked by a leaflet once and it scarred them for life emotionally. So always say “Thank you” to them or “Have a lovely day.” It might cheer them up. And what a great opportunity to brighten someone’s day – before they even step foot into the venue!”

Mace and Burton are performing Rom Com Con at 12:05pm at the Medina (venue 205, Lothian Street) every day except Tuesdays until August 27th.


More on Juliette Burton at Edinburgh Fringe Festival:

'Look at Me' Juliette Burton Fringe show review / Juliette Burton interview for Fringe show 'Look at Me' / 'When I Grow up' Juliette Burton Fringe show review / Juliette Burton: How to crowdfund a Fringe show / Juliette Burton: The Loveliest Revolution / Fringe review of Rom Com Con by Mace and Burton