Come Flyer With Me: Quattro Formaggio

Blog by Maddy from Quattro Formaggio | 17 Aug 2011
Quattro Formaggio

We are currently in the heady throes of our first Edinburgh and are thus responsible for all of our flyering. At first, our main publicity priority was focussed simply at not being shouty dicks handing out pieces of paper with our pictures on, we wanted to be the cool, nonchalent flyerers who got bums on seats by occasionally handing out the odd flyer whilst out drinking. This just doesn't work. Our show is on at 1.20pm and we're competing against the Hamiltons; the stakes are high.

Now we're dressed in our waiter costumes shouting "ciao bella" at tourists along the Royal Mile and enticing people in with talk of grissini and cheap pizza deals. We repeat "tits and teeth" in our heads and work our charm. Yes, this might not fit with our original intentions but other than the kindly man who told Maddy to go fuck herself, people seem to like it and we could break even. Maybe.