Chris McCausland @ Underbelly Bristo Square

An overall enlightening hour from Chris McCausland

Review by Cara McNamara | 03 Aug 2018
Chris McCausland

Chris McCausland’s gig is very domestic. A chippy Liverpudlian, he talks about his two-bed home in East London, his Brazilian wife, and most of all his four-year-old daughter Sophie. He talks about boobs a fair amount too, not to mention football. Basically, we’ve entered the realms of Dad Comedy – stories from a very specific point of view, within the parameters of four walls and a creosote fence. And that’s partly because McCausland is blind.

Listening to McCausland talk, the way he describes it, it’s as if someone has flicked off the switch on one of his senses, forcing him to rely on feedback from the remaining ones – which is not without its limitations. The effect his blindness has on his relationship with the world and the people in it reveals a seam of observations that are genuinely enlightening and thought provoking, and provides a pleasant contrasts to the more old fashioned material. 

Chris McCausland: Speaky Blinder, Underbelly Bristo Square (Buttercup), 1-26 Aug (not 13), 6:35pm, £6.50-12

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Chris McCausland: Speaky Blinder, Underbelly Bristo Square (Buttercup), 1-26 Aug (not 13), 6:35pm, £6.50-12