Charles Ross: One Man Lord Of The Rings @ Assembly George Square Studios

Review by Cara Hunter Liddle | 11 Aug 2014
Charles Ross: One Man Lord Of The Rings

So we've all got that one mate who's seen Lord of the Rings a few too many times. This show is written and performed by the King of those guys. 

Coming onto the bare stage in a simple blue jumpsuit, Canadian comic Charles Ross launches into his unique interpretation of the first Lord Of The Rings movie with great enthusiasm. His entire show is described as 'one man performing the entirety of the LOTR trilogy in 80 minutes.' At first the chaotic and seemingly random noises are a little overwhelming, and it does feel slightly like you might be getting interrogated at a moment's notice. However, once the audience becomes accustomed to the manic flow it becomes clear that through using only his voice he expertly performs both fantastic impressions of the actors from the film series and also the sound effects and music as well.

Diving and throwing himself around the stage, Ross adds his own humorous commentary to the storyline that has the whole audience nodding and laughing along with him. Telling the story with flourish and passion, this barrage of comedy continues for an impressive twenty minutes before he breaks the fourth wall and stops to take a much needed and well earned drink.

As a self-confessed geek, this comic is very aware that his show will definitely appeal to a niche market, but the show can certainly be enjoyed by anyone who has seen the movies. Offering a full-on barrage of Tolkien-themed comedy that will leave your head spinning and your sides hurting, this show is must see for any hardcore fantasy fans. 

Charles Ross: One Man Lord Of The Rings @ Assembly George Square Studios, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23 & 25 Aug, 8pm, £14