Bec Hill in: If you can read this, my cape fell off

Article by Edward Whelan | 31 Aug 2009
Bec Hill

Bec Hill, kitted out in red and blue, wants to be a super hero.

Tapping into the incorrigible childish joy of playing 'If you could have any super power...?', Hill leads us through a speed daydream of heroes and adventures on her moped, illustrated with video clips and mad-eyed paper cut outs. Adorably cute with a wicked edge, she bounces round the stage, nattering away to the audience in an unstoppable tirade of enthusiasm for the impossible - which sure makes a change from the usual material of the differences between men and women. It's not a big crowd but she can drum up the excitement. Her rapid delivery means some jokes whip by too fast to make as much impact as they could, but with a bottomless source of childlike glee she could go far.