Alison Spittle @ Gilded Balloon

Alison Spittle crafts comedy from challenging topics

Review by Yasmin Hackett | 10 Aug 2018
Alison Spittle

Alison Spittle is a Worrier Princess this year – and comedy is her catharsis. The hour weaves together mental health, including a routine about the different kinds of therapists she’s come across and recent events involving the Repeal the 8th Movement. The latter makes for some entertaining material, including a story about encounters with pro-lifers with particularly vitriolic things to say (and her response to them).

On that note, most of her strength lies in the personable nature of her stand-up; conversational in tone, Spittle is able to keep the heavy stuff lighthearted. She is the kind of comedian who carries an air of being self-aware without letting it influence the way she is on stage, creating a show which is injected with her personality – the flower crown she wears for the duration of it reflects this. She's the type of person you want to be friends with. But it is good enough settling for an hour of laughter in her company.

Alison Spittle: Worrier Princess Gilded Balloon, Teviot Row House (Balcony), 1-27 Aug (not 14), 5:15pm, £6-11

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