Adam Hills: Inflatable Event Review

Review by Becca Pottinger | 18 Aug 2009
Adam Hills

The affable Aussie mainstay is back from last year’s pseudo-hiatus with ‘Inflatable’. True to form, there is an underlying sentiment to Hill’s show that runs deeper than the sterile blaspheming and cursory political slander that other stand-ups dole out so readily. Having worked the circuit since he was 19, Hill explains that every life lesson he’s ever learned has come from performing and he’s worried that these wisdoms won’t translate so well in father-son tutorials.

The show's structure hangs from a few of these core lessons, from puking up Kit Kats to the racism inherent in sign language. The jokes are neatly constructed, proficient and safe – geriatrics won’t burst their colostomies and pre-teens won’t be scarred for life. This middle of the road terrain extends into his pre-set audience interaction as well unfortunately, stretching national stereotypes and accent impersonations until they’re stale. If you seek your kicks from the realms of Sahara dry sarcasm steer clear.

This is tepidly caring stuff, complete with a Jon Bon Jovi sing-a-long.