Howard Jacobson @ EIBF

Article by Keir Hind | 16 Aug 2010
Howard Jacobson


Kalooki Nights, Howard Jacobson’s last novel, was Booker Prize shortlisted, and the chair of this event Richard Holloway started off by saying that he thought it should have been the winner. Jacobson’s new book, The Finkler Question, was longlisted at the time of the event [Edit: and it’s now shortlisted too], and Jacobson gave some highly animated, humorous readings. Jacobson is outspoken and opinionated, but also cultured and very funny, which may help to explain the oddly sparse turnout – for some he’s a must see, but for others he’s intimidating. The stayaways lost out, because this was a fascinating event, dominated at first by discussion about his Jewish roots, and opinions on the state of Israel. This ended with a stunning dramatic moment, when Jacobson and Holloway were interrupted mid flow by an audience member shouting ‘Can’t we talk about the writing?!” A stunned Jacobson stared into the audience at him for a long couple of seconds before saying, "I think we ought to take that point", and moving the conversation on to the book – less brave writers wouldn’t have backed down. The encore to this moment was that when a plane flew low overhead shortly thereafter, Jacobson could say it was the Israelis after the heckler, bringing the house down. The event was, to say the least, a unique experience, highly memorable and a great advert for Jacobson. [Keir Hind]


Howard Jacobson appeared at the Edinburgh International Book Festival on 14 Aug