GFF: Fashion In Film

The Skinny's Fashion editor casts an appraising eye over the highlights of the Fashion In Film strand

Feature by Alexandra Fiddes | 21 Feb 2011
Pam Hogg, stills from the forest

In partnership with Glasgow Caledonian University this year GFF has created a mouth watering programme of fantastic fashion films and a stylish series of events.

This will include a nine film retrospective of the work of internationally adored and acclaimed actress Meryl Streep throughout the month, featuring the beautiful Sophie's Choice and of course The Devil Wears Prada.

Closer to home, Thursday 24 Feb will celebrate The Inventors of Tradition, part exhibition and part film screening, comprised of archive film footage and a soundtrack created by Lucy McKenzie, exploring the history of the Scottish textile industry (find out more in the Fashion section, p34).

A highlight of Fashion In Film is an event scheduled to take place on the 25 February, where Glaswegian designer and musician Pam Hogg will be treating the audience to a screening of her latest film work shot in Epping Forest and showcasing her S/S 11 collection, which will then be followed by Pam discussing the use of film as a medium within her fashion practice. Expect to see signature catsuits, body con dresses in gold, silver and ivory and straightjacket inspired coats alongside eccentric accessories including oversized rosettes and hoof like wedges.

Also taking place on 25 Feb is a special screening (introduced by Glasgow's Lady Munter and followed by an after party) of Pyuupiru 2001-2008, a touching documentary by Daishi Matsunaga, showing the journey a of Japanese visual artist.

Another Scottish designer whose film work will be shown within this programme (on the 26 Feb) is Stirling based Iona Crawford, who, since graduating from ECA in 2007, has already been featured in Vogue, been tipped as 'one to watch' and shown work around the world.

So whether it is for the Scottish talent, the international design stars or for the Hollywood legends, I'm sure this diverse and carefully selected Fashion In Film programme will have have all fans of fashion flocking to the cinema. I certainly can't wait!


For details of all the events mentioned and more within the Fashion In Film section please go to for more information