Whatcha doin' Krista Blake?

Blog by Carrie MacLennan | 12 May 2009
The Narrative 'shed'

We are privileged in our roles as Made In The Shade Gals in that we come into contact with fabulously talented people all the time. There's nothing more exciting than locking eyes and brains with someone and realising without too much of a fuss that you're jiving on the same dancefloor (singing from the same hymn sheet, on the same wave length, blah blah.). We regularly meet sparky creative people working hard to carve out little spaces for themselves: makers, designers, artists, innovators, creative entrepreneurs. Some guys and dolls have turned their hand to some creative pursuit for fun. Others have taken steps to turn crafty hobbies into successful business. Just like the Made In The Shade Gals, some are in the process of building creative spaces big enough and sturdy enough to live in all the time, having realised the commercial potential and cultural value of a 'just for a lark' project.

It's refreshing to engage with likeminds. It's not all that unusual to enthuse about a new idea to the point of hand clapping and ankle banging only to receive disappointing, deflating responses from that person who somehow just doesn't get it. “Aaw, that's lovely. It's nice that you can find the time to make wee things now and again. When are you going to get a proper job?” You know you've found a good 'un when your idea is met with a smile: no patronising tone, no cocked head, no sympathetic nods. As we go about our business, sharing an abstract, extended community with other creative entrepeneurs, paths inevitably cross, introductions are made and relationships blossom and grow. Every now and then on the Made In The Shade blog, we'll make a point of introducing y'all to some people we find insirational – to some people we find interesting and fun, clever and fabulous.

Today we're introducing you to Krista Blake, the driving force behind off-beat retail venture, Narrative. We mentioned Krista in our last blog instalment, so I shan't dilly dally too much, repeating stuff you already know. We managed to sneak a little five minute chat with Krista once she'd done dismantling her Irn Bru crate store at the Glasgow Art Fair...

Tell us a little bit about yourself, Krista.
I'm originally from Canada, but have lived in Glasgow for the last 14 years. It's hard to not be involved in the creative culture here... it's highly concentrated in this city. Plus - the weather keeps people indoors so they spend a lot of time dreaming and scheming!

I used to run a shop called Hitherto in Glasgow. We held a lot of events and exhibitions that involved Glasgow School of Art students and recent graduates. Most of the artists involved had studied Visual Communication, and were students of Marc Baines who is a good friend of mine. Hitherto became a place where people just liked to hang out. When the shop closed, it seemed a shame to stop our momentum, so that's when Narrative started. Now we concentrate on being more of a mobile/online project. So far we have had a Christmas shop at the CCA (in a shed), and recently set up a shop at the Glasgow Art Fair.


Is Narrative your full-time job? Are you involved in any other projects?

Narrative isn't my full time job just yet, but hopefully that is on the cards. At the moment I am helping Rob Churm put together a 7" for his upcoming GOMA show.

Do you create artists works too Krista?  Are you a designer?

My projects, concepts, and collaborations are how I 'make' things.


What does a day in the life of Krista Blake look like? What do you get up to?

The height of nonsense.

Talk to us a little bit about your inspirations and influences. What helps get your creative juices flowing?

That's simple - family, friends, books, film, music and 20 cups of coffee.

You are based in Glasgow. Do you find the city helps or hinders you in your creative work? 

Without a doubt it helps. There are plenty of likeminds around to engage with and the bouncing of ideas never stops.

Do you have any interesting/funny/showbiz stories to share with us?

Only ones that would get me in trouble. 

[Krista is married to Norman Blake. She has met Hank Williams' grand daughter. How exciting?!?!]

What are your hopes, dreams and aspirations for Narrative? What next?

To keep the fruits of a fertile art scene alive and accessible for all. As for what's next, it looks like we might do something at Washington Garcia in early summer - check www.narratively.eu for details of upcoming projects.
