Carey Marx: The Doom Gloom Boom Comedy Review

Review by Ariadne Cass-Maran | 20 Aug 2009
Carey Marx

Not as gloomy as you might think, given the title, Carey Marx takes childish and razor sharp joy in arguing with people's apathy, and the doomy gloom the world might experience if we continue on our current, idiotic path.

When he veers closely towards jokes which might be considered offensive he takes one look at our purse-mouthed reactions and sweeps off on to beautiful rants, addressing such questions as what we consider it proper to laugh at, what we are entertained by and why, and why we allow ourselves to be influenced into not thinking at all.

This is a man who, with intelligence and a sense of play, takes apart everything that is shallow and banal in the world, urging us to think, and more importantly, to act.

Utterly brilliant.