Rubens - Carnivalesque

The worst elements of the early 1990s fashioned into an hour's worth of beeping noises

Album Review by Lucy Weir | 10 Jul 2007
Album title: Carnivalesque
Artist: Rubens
Label: Herb

It is no doubt a major challenge to sustain an audience's attention span when a band presents itself without vocals. Somewhat predictably, Rubens fail to do so. After around thirty seconds of album opener, Vertical Hold, it becomes apparent that the next nine tracks will consist of the same idea. Latching on to the current vogue of over-used synthesisers with the occasional infantile tinkling of piano keys, Rubens have taken some of the worst elements of the early 1990s and fashioned an hour's worth of beeping noises into a so-called record. There is nothing new or particularly listenable here; the whole production bears an unfortunate resemblance to the soundtrack of an early Nintendo game. Carnivalesque is a completely synthetic album - no pun intended. Perhaps best left to be played on a loop to the happy shoppers in Topshop, but most certainly one to avoid.

Another of The Skinny's reviewers saw fit to award a more positive judgement - read the review here.

Out now.