Lost Idol - Utters from a Cluttered Mind

A wonderful musical journey

Album Review by Karen Taggart | 13 Sep 2006
Utters from a Cluttered Mind
Album title: Utters from a Cluttered Mind
Artist: Lost Idol
Label: Cookshop
This new release from Lost Idol (James Dean) is his first full length album, suitably entitled 'Utters from a Cluttered Mind'. It's a wonderful musical journey, taking inspiration from wide-ranging artists such as Beck, The Beta Band, Four Tet, Brian Wilson and Pink Floyd. Dean is known for trying to produce something new and different - the whole record is a smooth blend of Latin, funk, soul and hip hop with a common thread of melancholy running throughout. Standout tracks include Buckled, which describes the banality of city living, and Tread Water, which has themes of loss and regret. This adds up to be a frank and personal record, and certainly a wonderful debut. There's rumours abound of a Lost Soul live band tour over the winter months, so keep your eyes and ears peeled. [Karen Taggart] Out on Sept 4.