Comic Book Guy: Grant Morrison goes into Action [Comics]

Blog by Thom Atkinson | 15 Jun 2011
DC's new look Superman

This past weekend at the LA Times' Hero Complex Film Festival, DC Comics Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns and Co-Publisher Jim Lee addressed a live audience regarding the big DC reboot. Among all the other announcements came a video message from one Glaswegian writer, Grant Morrison, who will be handed the creative reigns of Superman in Action Comics #1 this September.

Morrison made the following statement: "The first Action Comics in 1938 was the first ever superhero book, and I think what we want to do here is recreate that first ever superhero, Superman -- our greatest-ever idea as the human species, if you ask me. To recreate that guy for the 21st century and to do something that's a little bit new and take a new look at something that people have big preconceptions about. To change some of the basics, to reintroduce some familiar faces in very unfamiliar ways, to try and refresh some ideas that have maybe become so well-known that people think they've got it all figured out...One of the things we're going to do in this book is also to show you how Superman is, who he is, why he ended up wearing the costume that he wears. And to show kind of a different side to the character than we've ever seen before."

With the other half of the new Action Comics creative team being 'Rags' Morales (Identity Crisis) Morrison continued to state that he wanted the book “a big action comic.” The writer has, of course, re-envisioned the Man of Steel before with All-Star Superman and is fresh of breathing life into the Dark Knight with Batman & Robin and Batman Incorporated. Excited? You should be as Morrison ended with the hope that “everyone's going to get involved and join us into this ridiculous voyage into the unknown!"

Action Comics #1, and a host of other DC titles, will be relaunched this September.