Bored Gay Werewolf by Tony Santorella

Tony Santorella’s witty and sharp debut novel follows its titular bored gay werewolf as he navigates encountering his fellow beasts

Book Review by Andrés Ordorica | 29 May 2023
Bored Gay Werewolf by Tony Santorella
Book title: Bored Gay Werewolf
Author: Tony Santorella

Bored Gay Werewolf is a funny, unique examination of friendship, queerness, toxic masculinity and finding your community. Tony Santorella’s debut novel follows the story of Brian, a hapless young gay man trying to start over in a new city. He is wry and sarcastic but reserved, making him more a lone wolf than part of a pack, which is complicated by the fact that once a month he morphs into a bloodthirsty werewolf. 

When not traversing around town as a mystical beast he can be found navigating hook-ups on Grindr, dealing with obnoxious customers at the Romanesco or tanking back pints with his fellow waitstaff, Nik and Darby. But Brian’s life is upended when he meets Tyler, another werewolf. Tyler is a rich, straight, and athletic 'tech bro' who aims to create a lifestyle app to help kindred spirits better handle their monthly transformations. Think less Brothers Grimm and more Goop but for hairy beasts. Things eventually take a dark turn when Tyler decides to increase his brand’s reach at all costs (things get bloody).

Santorella’s writing is funny and brilliantly observed, but the novel does rush towards the end. Brian’s friends are a bit too forgiving of his failings, and don’t bat an eye when he finally admits his werewolf ways. But with a story full of such heart, it is refreshing to see friendship, especially queer friendships, win in the end.

Atlantic Books, 1 Jun