Emer Tumilty: The Skinny Showcase

Printmaker, illustrator, artist Emer Tumilty presents a new series of screen prints in August's emergent art showcase

Feature | 18 Aug 2017
Emer Tumilty, Collage 2 (detail), (2017)

Emer Tumilty is an illustrator and artist from Northern Ireland, now based in Glasgow. With a background both in Architecture and Visual Communication, Emer uses bold colour combinations and simple geometric forms, working across a wide range of projects from illustration and printmaking to murals, installation and set design.

These images are taken from screen prints that were created during a residency at Edinburgh Printmakers in the spring of this year, for their Edinburgh Art Festival exhibition New Edition.

Emer used her time on residency to explore a personal project – a looser, more gestural way of working, where large, multi-layered collages were translated into flat screen printed works. Throughout the process Emer shifts, rotates, adds and subtracts from the printed image, creating a dynamic series of prints, all of which differ slightly from one another.

New Edition is a group exhibition of new work by Emer Tumilty, Museums Press and Poster Club, curated by Sarah Lowndes, at Edinburgh Printmakers, 28 July-28 October 2017. 

Instagram/ Twitter: @emertumilty