Poppycock @ ECA, 12-26 Feb

Article by Jessica Cook | 05 Feb 2009

Poppycock: a word meaning old fashioned senseless nonsense; a brand of sugary decadent popcorn created as a travel snack; an angry grunge metal band from Indiana with an album called Going Nutz. Whether the exhibition title refers to crunchy candy confectionery, screaming metal or informal nonsense the word conveys the eclectic nature of a show that proposes to illustrate the individuality and non-conformity of the current undergraduate art mindset.

An exhibition by students in their third year of Drawing & Painting and Intermedia (or, The Artist Formerly Known As Tapestry) at Edinburgh College of Art, this show presents work unrestricted by content or media and aims to represent the diversity of ideas and ability displayed by Edinburgh's current students. The inclusion of young people in the art world is a priority of this exhibit, and a group of primary school children with artistic potential are set to visit the exhibit to participate in various events and activities in order to foster their enthusiasm for all things art.

This exhibition promises to be eye opening in its expression of the bold individuality of Edinburgh's young contemporary artists whether it be in the form of printmaking, painting or installations.