The Skinny Launches in Liverpool and Manchester

Feature | 03 Dec 2012
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The Skinny is Scotland’s largest entertainment and listings magazine, and is about to create a new magazine for Manchester and Liverpool. We are excited. It will print in April 2013 with a target monthly print run of 34,000 copies distributed through a network of 600 cafes, bars, libraries, cinemas, restaurants, and shops for free. It will cover the types of things it already covers, if they are culturally relevant to Manchester and Liverpool. It will feature music, art, theatre, comedy and club listings for the cities, plus unique interviews and reviews of events and artists' work that wouldn't normally get covered in mainstream press.  

As the magazine will be free, it survives on advertising revenues. If you are a potential advertiser, we are looking forward to working with you. Currently over 90% of our Scottish advertisers return to advertise in our Scotland edition. When you advertise in The Skinny's pages your business will benefit from a huge circulation, a great brand association, a month-long shelf life, and your advert will be carried in all 600 local venues in which the magazine is distributed. If you are interested, get in touch on

From the beginning The Skinny set out to prioritise quality content regardless of its local or national profile, and we have always favoured quality over size. We want to find people like us who want to create content that is relevant to Manchester and Liverpool, speaks about their passion for the subject, and understands that their audience is as savvy as they are. We are recruiting for Manchester and Liverpool based sales staff, and we will recruit editorial staff from December. We are also up for investigating collaborations with blogs, websites and other businesses who are already doing this in Manchester and Liverpool. 

Our Publisher Sophie Kyle is in Manchester now setting this up. Please contact her on if you want to find out more or have any opinions on our plans.