Open Doors Day - Sat 27 Sep

Once a year Edinburgh opens its architectural innards to the nosiness of the general public.

Article by Ariadne Cass-Maran | 24 Sep 2008
Mansfield Traquair

On Saturday 27 September about seventy grand old buildings will open up, giving us the chance to satisfy our curiosity about what weird and wonderful lands may lie beyond their often hallowed doors. The city's guts are briefly, quiveringly, exposed; the experience is about so much more than just the architecture, it's about the unknown, unviewed treasures within. There's a huge variety of buildings on show, including ancient Victorian swimming pools, theatres, art houses and even an anatomy lecture hall. Paintings, antiquities and internal features that are only on view at this time of year can be found all over Edinburgh, often hidden away in suburbs where you least expect it. For example, a favourite of herbalists and botanists, the entire library and herbarium of the Royal Botanical Gardens of Edinburgh opens, with every single one of its preserves and samples on view, some of them incredibly rare. St Bernard's Well by the Water of Leith, an old Victorian folly, is absolutely beautiful inside and well worth a stroll by the river. Plus there is a unique opportunity to wander round Edith Simon's house, where you can see her pictures and scultpures in situ.

Edinburgh's architecture is such a huge part of it's attraction and it is a real joy to be able to take a peek inside. As part of the day there is also a competition for the best photographs of the city; entries should be in by 1 October and further information including the brochure and competition details are available at Take inspiration from the day and distill your love for the city into a photograph of your favourite building, close or even dirty alleyway.