The Red Hourglass @ The Arches

Preview by Chritiana Bissett | 24 Oct 2012
The Red Hourglass: Alan Bissett

Alan Bissett’s The Red Hourglass is a tale of human authority shown through the institutionalisation of a bunch of exotic insects. Between the framework lectures of a smug and human academic we are given a secret view into the artificial environment where our poor subjects are trapped. Quick costume changes allow the lauded Scottish writer to switch from Scotch House Spider to the anxious Recluse Spider or southern temptress Black Widow.

Bissett gives an engaging, comic performance, owning each caricature. In particular, his portrayal of the title-inspiring promiscuous spider is scarily hypnotic. As she describes the ‘bows and curtseys’ of her cruel lure it is easy to see similarities between the rituals of nature and our own bizarre methods of courting. The characters are developed only within certain human stereotypes though. For example the ‘oh so macho’ South American tarantula flexing his muscle and ignorance or the career savvy wasp determined to be everyone’s favourite employee (until she lays her eggs in you), are both fairly predictable.

It is sometimes unclear whether the stereotyping is a means of ridiculing human attempts to brand one another, or just to provide the audience with a jolly laugh.  Either way the performance is well written and convincingly performed, the polar personalities of characters allow Bissett to explore different types of humour and keep each section of the performance fresh and fun – but of course with a bit of bite. [Christiana Bissett]

13-14 Nov 7.30pm @ The Arches, Glasgow 16 Nov 7.30pm @ Harbour Arts Centre, Irvine