World Heroes Anthology

Game Review by Si Wellings | 15 Dec 2008
World Heroes Anthology box
Game title: World Heroes Anthology
Publisher: SNK
Release date: Out now
Price: £29.99

The game showcases the usual array of characters, including the lithe and overly endowed female character, the morbidly obese slow moving wrestler, a martial arts expert and a few other clichés. In the first World Heroes games, these characters all handle like a hippo on roller-skates.

Even if you are a nostalgic Heroes fan, you will have discarded those first two in favour of either World Heroes Jet or (getting bonus points for ironic naming) World Heroes Perfect. While both games have improved speed, the feeling of control is no better, and some of the moves are vastly superior to others. As a result, play often reduces to pulling off the same attack over and over until your opponent is eventually slain. The AI feels cheap, and both defeat and victory feel hollow, as if you werewatching the game from a safe distance rather than actively controlling it.

Other contemporary games in the genre have a greater sense of scope for character engagement; for instance, you can keep a distance from opponents' attacks, counter attack when you spot a move coming or block appropriately if they take you by surprise. There is no such feeling here. You will soon find yourself pulling off moves and hoping in the blind hope that they work, rather than timing your uppercuts and leg sweeps with any sense of certainty.

There is nothing here in any of the World Heroes Anthology that you haven't seen before, except that it's been done here worse. So much worse.

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