
Game Review by Neil Robertson | 11 Jun 2008
Game title: WiiFit
Publisher: Nintendo
Release date: Out now
Price: £49.99

Wii Fit is an exercise game. Players stand on the Balance Board (which comes packaged with the game), which is essentially a set of scales designed to measure centre of balance and body mass, and perform activities as directed by an animated on-screen version of the board itself.

It quickly becomes apparent that Wii Fit has something of an identity problem - is
it a game? A serious training aid? Or is it merely another short lived fad for Nintendo's
little white box, to be played with briefly and then consigned to a dusty shelf?

It certainly plays like a game - the design is fun and instantly accessible; to begin
with you only have access to a limited number of routines (or levels) and more are freed
up by accumulating time in game. The Balance Games section is largely throw-away fun
reminiscent of the old eye-toy mini-games, and after each training session you have the
opportunity to take a "body test" which gives you a "Wii Fit Age" (or high score) which
you are encouraged to beat next time. On the other hand the Yoga postures, although easy
to master early on, quickly become more challenging, and the Strength Training sections
allow you to put together a fairly solid, if somewhat stilted workout.

Overall, Wii Fit probably works best as a method of convincing people who wouldn't
otherwise consider doing so to take up exercise, and let's face it - that's probably the
whole point.